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Diamond Aaamua Making Father's this thing that He's not going ignorant of Life Never .. !!!

DA ES SALAAM: After juzikati found reports that the musician, Randomly Abdul 'Diamond Platnumz' he agreed with his father, Abdul Juma, allegedly at the ceremony to fulfill 40 days of the child's Diamond named Willan 'Ibu Junior' grandfather he to will tinga Sauzi. According to a close relative of the person who requested asylum Diamond its name, father Diamond is among the people who will get a chance to climb to Sauzi barrel on the event expected to take place on January 16, this year.diamond-na-zari

Willan betrayed expected to Johannesburg, where the liner Diamond. Several people, including stars from Bongo had received invitation to the existence of specialized transportation flights to and Sauzi. "I heard the old Diamond saying that Abdul will have the opportunity to see his grandchildren, so just wait and see," said the informant. In putting the weight of this information, our reporter made an effort to find Diamond but his phone was not available immediately. Friday had the opportunity to speak with Diamond father and asked if he has information on the same trip in which he said: "Even if I nasikiasikia but will it be a good thing because I got a chance to see my grandchildren. As I said, I have no trouble Diamond again so that it is possible to go Sauzi completely. "

Squash of Moto Moto !! This Is Minister Magufuli Anayechepuka and Flora Mvungi, Met Dodoma, Flora Acknowledge Everything Of Refusal

Amid reports that his marriage to the artist Bongo Fleva, Hamis Ramadhan Baba 'H-Baba' imeparaganyika, Miss Bongo Movies, Flora Mvungi purported will hook onto one of the government ministers of the five phases.   A source close to the artist kimepenyeza information that is currently in the beautiful under the auspices of the minister (name shelved because we have not found) where the journey began their relationship in Dodoma. "I remember it was last year, Flora went Dodoma and fellow artists had now reached the building, he saw minister load it asked Flora position and he accepted without deficiencies. "Initially slightly chomoachomoa but the minister promised a better life, and to have already had his man on the crisis (H-Baba), it was like pushing just drunk. Baby girl entered mzimamzima, ie now Flora, died kaoza to noble, "the source said carefully. Efforts to find the minister following a rock ricocheted off his mobile phone no air. Atakapopatikana, we will in turn report to knowingly zungumziaje the allegations. For his part, Flora, told our correspondent potafutwa and admitted meeting with the minister Dodoma but asked not to discuss the issue as litamweka in a bad position in society. "I beg you let it matter very much, but I know who was leaking too much I ask you ache completely. Litanichafua very please, "said Flora.

Breaking News: REALLY WORK WORK NOW GOVERNMENT Magufuli NOMA done TRANSFORMATION weight in this vital sector .... READ MORE HERE


Administration and Local Government), George Simbachawene, clarified that banning local leaders from using the official stamps was not meant to humiliate them or reduce their powers. 
“The decision was reached after the government received many complaints of land conflicts arising from abuse of the official stamps. Having observed that it was only a few local leaders who went beyond their station, it has been decided to rescind the decision reached in November last year in the meantime,” he said.
“Local leaders will continue using the stamps until advised otherwise,” he added.
He added that some dishonest local leaders tend to abuse their powers and interfere with city plans which is against the law.
In the presence of Dar es Salaam local leaders yesterday, the minister urged media practitioners to educate the public that not all documents need to be stamped since only signatures of local leaders suffice to make them valid.Use of official stamps should only be where it is necessary, he said.
Despite rescinding the decision, he reminded the leaders of all possible punishments as per the Land Act of 1994 against those who will defy fulfilling their duties in accordance to the law, stressing that the government won’t hesitate to take action. 
Questioned on how long the government would take to issue and declare ways forward, the minister responded: “Sessions to discuss the matter are to start soon.”
On behalf of his colleagues, Temeke Local Government leader, Bakiri Makele hailed the government’s decision, saying the ban seemed to punish innocent people, be it those in need of local government services and committed local leaders.
According to him, release of the document reduced the burden not only to people in need of the services but also the organ which would be given authority to the serve the public because nothing would be done without consulting local leaders who exactly know their people. 
He added that as the response to Simbachawene’s decision, all local leaders will meet to set strategies on how to fight fraud among them.He, however, noted that fraud was prevalent in the past but in recent months much has changed.

'DART to produce new 800,000 electronic swap cards'
In an interview yesterday in Dar es Salaam, DART Public Relations Manager William Gatambi said the World Bank had shown interest to finance the plan for 800,000 electronic swap cards.
“So far, the World Bank is reviewing the tendering documents in order to identify the basic requirements in the plan and to see how they can support it,” the official said, without divulging the cost that will be involved in the production of the cards.
“Unlike the previous ones, which were produced by Usafiri Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (UDA-RT), the task will be operated by DART and we have already commenced the process for the plan,” he said. 
“We are currently waiting for a report from World Bank to establish the schedule for the primary release of the cards, as we have a plan to conduct it in phases,” he added. 
He, however, said DART had learnt that most of commuters who bought the cards were not using them, whereby out of 200,000 electronic cards that were produced by UDA-RT last year, only 50,000 cards were in operation.
“There is a possibility that most cards that were bought have been misplaced or misused by some of the citizens,” he said.

Information Available In Print Leo Saturday January 21

This is the woman gave him 30 lashes

Police Force Special Zone Tarime / Rorya in Mara, holding them to 10 people beat the humiliation of a woman publicly flogged. These people are the village of Suba district nurses Rorya divisions. Among those people, including five officials of the council called Irienyi small rituals of the tribe of Wasimbiti. These people are accused of more than 30 cane strokes publicly woman, kilichomdhalilisha act before the community. Earlier this week, some of the video spread in social networks, ikimuonesha woman was flogged and men by turns crying in front of the public and the voices of men were heard zikishabikia practice. Police Commander Tarime / Rorya, Andrew Satta said that the event is December 23 last year the day in the neighborhood of the village of Gutu the nursing division of Suba District Mastooni Rorya in areas, where there was a meeting of customs Ritongo. The woman aged 38, resident of the village (name withheld) was called and followed by young men and taken at the summit of tradition, attended by hundreds of residents of the village. It was alleged that she had accused his mother of 55 years old to be a witch. And denying that you do not realize that is not his biological mother; claiming to be the mother wants to kill the magic. Satta commander said at the meeting of the Council of Irienyi tradition, six young men were ordered to beat each other five strokes makalioni woman, the situation which led to her injuries, affect, belittle and discredit his person to the community. "We have arrested the chairman of the council, the leaders of four and six young fellows who participated arrest and punishment for laid down, cane rods and grievous harm body and humiliating," said the commander. He said the suspects are being questioned by the army continues to hunt down the others involved.

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Jerry Muro This kayaandika after beating Simba ... ..

screen-shot-2017-01-11-at-10-00-41-amSimba and Yanga are among the biggest football team in East Africa that in the history of football teams inasemekena is especially great resistance they meet on the field, January 10 2017 these teams met again the field of Shekh Amri Abeid in Mapinduzi Cup and provide the results of penalt 4- 2.

These things be not Mkeo, Save Your House

Love your wife good
Do not reprove your wife while you are talking. Inamuumiza much.
Proverbs 15: 1

Usimuongelee harm to anyone. Your wife will develop what is called
Genesis 2:19

Do not give another woman the love that he deserves your wife. That is immorality.
Matthew 5:28

Usimlinganishe your wife with another woman. As she grew up is fitting then God would give her hand in marriage
2wakorinto 10: 2

Be gentle, patient and responsive. Has Endured a lot and has volunteered and has left much to be with you. Inamuumiza grows very bright and upsetting
Ephesians 4: 2

Usimfiche anything. They grew the same thing and so is your assistant, not keep secrets yoyotr among you
Genesis 2:25

Do not say something wrong to criticize her body. Devoted her beauty and her body kukuzalia ww children. Humans is also the heart, not just the body.
Proverbs 18:22

Usiulinganishe his body and its value. Appraiser even when you reach old age
Ephesians 5:29

Do not reprove the crowd. Problems if you adjust your own closet.
Matthew 1:19

Thank you for bringing up children properly, your house with you. Because he volunteered to do it all.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Recipes women are not unanimous. Enjoy recipes for your wife. Not easy to cook three meals a day for 365 days a year for many years you have lived all
Proverbs 31:14

Do not keep your brother before her. She is your wife. He wants ekaa and ww. Field must give priority ahead of your brothers.
Genesis 2:24

Invest in their spiritual growth. Buy for books, and anything that will help grow the spiritual walk with God all his days. That's the only thing you can do for your wife.
Ephesians 5:26

Use your time to study the Bible with him while praying
James 5:16

Set aside time to sit with him, playing with him and enjoy his presence. Remember, you dies, he will aesimama aside your grave. Perhaps your friends were busy and fail to attend.
Ecclesiastes 9: 9

Do not use your money to rob or kumpelekesha. Your money is of him as well. They grew one and the heir of all you have the Connected him and God.
1peter 3: 7

Usifichue its flaws. You're exposing themselves to establish ww. Protect.
Ephesians 5:30

Honor his parents to have a gentleness to his brothers.
Song of Solomon 8: 2

Do not stop telling him how much you love every day of his life. A woman tired of hearing it.
Ephesians 5:25

Kua in the way of God, is what's going to make you a better husband and a fear of God.
Romans 8:29.


Video: From Yanga Simba Walivyopokea defeat ....

Game of Yanga and Simba 90 minutes ended without blockage, it was obliged beaten penalties to get the winner will play in the final and Azam FC Friday January 13 2017, Lions have become leaders by beating Yanga 4-2 on penalties.


Information Available In Print Of Today Wednesday January 11

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